SWYHA Supports The Salvation Army 2024 Bell Ringing Campaign
SWYHA Supports The Salvation Army 2024 Bell Ringing Campaign
The South Windsor Youth Hockey Association will again participate in The Salvation Army Hartford Area Services Red Kettle campaign.
The Red Kettle initiative is The Salvation Army’s annual fundraising event to support those in need during the holiday season. Each year for the past 130 plus years, The Salvation Army has been ‘ringing bells’ to raise funds for their programs. These programs help families stay warm during the winter, be given a nutrient rich meal, provided clothing and many other life skills and benefits. With our organization lending a helping hand to Bell Ring, we help The Salvation Army provide meals for those less fortunate or clothes for those in need. On average, ringing the bell for just one hour raises enough money to provide 13 meals. Kettles with a volunteer bell ringer like us, also raise $30 more per hour than one without volunteers. Last year, we averaged over $700 per day, while very good location without a volunteer may only raise in $200-$400 per day!
Our Knight Family will be Bell Ringing at the South Windsor Stop & Shop on Ellington Road for two consecutive Saturdays: Saturday December 7th and 14th. Each team has signed up for two 1-hour time-slots over these two days. Players are encouraged to wear their Hockey clothing (e.g., uniform/ gear or pants/ jackets), we will also have our SWYHA banner proudly displayed! This is a great way to build team cohesiveness and to show the South Windsor Community how civically focused our young hockey athletes are, see below for pictures from December 7th!
Thank you for your support and interest, this is a great opportunity for our Hockey Families. If there are any questions, please send me an email.
Mark L. Robitaille
Treasurer - SWYHA
Salvation Army Hartford Area Services: https://easternusa.salvationarmy.org/southern-new-england/hartford/
SWYHA Athletes 2024 Bell Ringing