2025-2026 Tryout Dates Announced!
Registration is now open for the 2025-2026 season!
-Registration closes for 10U AA on Tuesday, 3/11.
-Registration closes for 8U and 10U on Saturday, 3/15.
-Registration closes for 12U and 14U on Saturday, 3/22.
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Registration is now open for the 2025-2026 season!
-Registration closes for 10U AA on Tuesday, 3/11.
-Registration closes for 8U and 10U on Saturday, 3/15.
-Registration closes for 12U and 14U on Saturday, 3/22.
Congratulations to the 2024-2025 SWYHA PeeWee A and PeeWee B squads who each took a clean sweep of the state tournaments in the Lyman Diamond and Rink divisions.
Mites (8U) - Greg Lockwood
South Windsor Youth Hockey is excited to welcome Coach Greg who brings years of hockey experience to the table to work with the 8U teams! He will be joined by an amazing staff of other level head coaches such as Jake LeBreton and more to come!
Squirts (10U) - Travis Knightly
Coach Travis is excited to take on the role of head coach of the top team for the squirt level. He will be joined at the 10U level by coach Mike Caruso and more!
Peewees (12U) - Nick Gionfriddo and Jimmy O'Brien
Coach Nick and Coach Jimmy are coming back for their second year as co-head coaches of the top level PeeWee team. Their partnership brings years of experience to implement important hockey systems and team wide play to the knights. Coach Andy Scott will also be joining the PeeWee coaching squad after a successful year landing the 10U A team a spot in the T4 State Championship tournament.
Bantam (14U) - Napoleon Tetreault
Coach Napoleon will be back for his second season as Bantam coach and stepping up to the role of head coach. Coach Napoleon is looking forward to building off the work started last year and building a foundation for a high school hockey pipeline!
Learn to Play, Grow the Game, Junior Rangers, Game Day - Gabe Hathorn
Coach Gabe has helped bring hockey to the new players from South Windsor and the greater North Eastern CT hockey community for many years and we are excited to have him return in this key role for bringing the game we all love to as many players as possible.
Head of Coaching - Mike Wolf
Mike Wolf plays a key role in coaching coordination and cooperation and will be continuing his role as head of coaching.
More Coaching Announcements to come. Looking forward to a fun and successful 2025-2026 season. Go Knights!
SWYHA Supports The Salvation Army 2024 Bell Ringing Campaign
The South Windsor Youth Hockey Association will again participate in The Salvation Army Hartford Area Services Red Kettle campaign.
The Red Kettle initiative is The Salvation Army’s annual fundraising event to support those in need during the holiday season. Each year for the past 130 plus years, The Salvation Army has been ‘ringing bells’ to raise funds for their programs. These programs help families stay warm during the winter, be given a nutrient rich meal, provided clothing and many other life skills and benefits. With our organization lending a helping hand to Bell Ring, we help The Salvation Army provide meals for those less fortunate or clothes for those in need. On average, ringing the bell for just one hour raises enough money to provide 13 meals. Kettles with a volunteer bell ringer like us, also raise $30 more per hour than one without volunteers. Last year, we averaged over $700 per day, while very good location without a volunteer may only raise in $200-$400 per day!
SWYHA Skills Coach Drew Callin was named IOA/American Specialty T-Birds Man of the Year. Coach Callin is very involved in the surrounding communities. Congrats Coach Drew.
Team Up Against Concussion Week:
USA Hockey and the Concussion Legacy Foundation have teamed up to raise concussion awareness and strengthen team bonds through Team Up Against Concussions (TUAC).
TUAC is a simple speech designed to be given by a team leader before each season. The core message: teammates are responsible for speaking up to a team leader if they notice concussion signs in a teammate.
USA Hockey's Team Up Against Concussions Week is scheduled for October 24-28, 2022. Throughout the week, USA Hockey will share videos of Team USA players from all over the country giving the TUAC speech to their teams.